There are many ways to make your gift everlasting. You can contribute to The Lands Council’s endowment fund at Innovia Foundation.

By making a legacy contribution, you uphold our dedication to conservation and play a vital role in ensuring the longevity of our mission. Planning for a future gift today is a powerful way to create a lasting legacy.

While requiring no immediate financial commitment, a legacy gift holds immense potential to shape the enduring well-being of the Inland Northwest and the countless lives it sustains. Your contribution can ensure a thriving future for our region and its inhabitants for years to come.

Consider leaving a lasting impact through The Lands Council's planned giving program by making a bequest gift. Connect with us to discuss your aspirations. We'll navigate the available avenues together and ensure that future generations at The Lands Council honor your legacy with care and appreciation.

For additional information about planned giving, including beneficiary designations, cash or stock gifts, and more, visit Innovia Foundation’s Planned Giving Toolkit.

Contact Jasmine at to learn more about making a legacy gift, or if you want to let us know that The Lands Council is already in your plans.