Dartford Creek Restoration Update

By Kat Hall

As we reported in June, The Lands Council has a contract with the County for an installation project of BDAs (Beaver Dam Analogs) for riparian restoration on Dartford Creek (in the Little Spokane River watershed). In April, we planted 210 potted seedlings and 300+ willow stakes. And in May, we installed the posts for a complex of seven BDAs. These BDAs will slow the heavy, erosive forces of the creek; settle sediment out of the water column; gradually re-connect the deeply-incised channel with its floodplain; and help protect adjacent infrastructure.

Many thanks to Peggy O’Connell and Jim Hallett, whose Ponderosa pine thinning project on their property outside of Medical Lake provided us with brush material! TLC’s summer field restoration tech crew just finished weaving the BDAs, which have already begun pooling water. We are eager to see the results of our hard work during next spring’s high flows!