Social Distancing While Outdoors


By Lindsay Box

Now, it seems more important than ever to get outside and explore the great outdoors. Exercise and being in nature is great for your body and your mind. Even though restrictions have been lifted, we still want to stay safe and respect others while being outdoors.

So here is how you can hike, bike, or walk outside to stay healthy and safe, and soak up some much-needed Vitamin D:

  1. Stay local and avoid large crowds. Consider exploring open spaces in your community to get your outdoor fix. Traveling to recreational spots often means stopping for gas, groceries, or bathroom breaks along the way, potentially putting you and others in those communities at risk.

  2. Go solo. You can exercise with a family members, but avoid meeting up with a group of friends if you’re not living and interacting regularly with them already.

  3. Practice good hygiene. Before, during, and after spending time outdoors, wash your hands and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. 

  4. Exercise at off times. Mix up the time of day you go outdoors and you can avoid crowds. Go for a sunrise stroll, instead of sunset, and avoid the lunchtime jogging routes.

  5. Keep it short. While getting exercise outside is an essential activity, the idea is to stay at home as much as possible—not to plan a day outing.

  6. Take a walk. Getting outside can be as simple as taking a stroll alone or with your family around your neighborhood.