Speak Up for Washington's Environment

Environmental Lobby Days

This coming legislative session will be unlike any other. As the first all-remote legislative session, communication between constituents and their legislators will be both more accessible and more challenging. It's important for us to let our legislators know that a healthy climate, clean water and environmental justice are key to the kind of pandemic recovery and economic rebuilding we need to see in Washington state.

Please join environmental activists all over the state in being a part of the Environmental Health and Justice Action Virtual Lobby Days February 8th - 12th. Team up with other activists from your district to speak up for environmental health and justice and gain the skills to be a persuasive constituent. You'll have the opportunity to attend online issue briefings, learn how to lobby, hear from environmental champions, and meet virtually with your elected officials to advance the Environmental Priorities Coalition's 2021 priorities. 

New Rules for Fossil Fuels: Protecting Washington Communities

It’s also very important to participate in the Rulemaking on Greenhouse Gasses. In preparation for the online public hearing by the Department of Ecology in May, a group of us have organized a series of informational and exciting online meetings. It’s called New Rules for Fossil Fuels: Protecting Washington Communities. Three events are scheduled. Each has a Facebook page link, and you will be hearing more about the events soon in an alert from The Lands Council. You can register here, too:

Kick Off! Let's Get Ahead of Industry - February 23rd

Join us to learn more about what this campaign opportunity is all about. New Rules for Fossil Fuels comes at a critical time, as the harm from climate change becomes increasingly evident. Wildfires, decreased snowpack, and sea level rise threaten the very existence of our communities. These harms will fall hardest on the people who already bear a disproportionate share of our environmental burdens. Learn about how we can get ahead of industry and how you can play a role!

Climate Justice is Protecting Community Health - March 9th

We know that coal, oil and fracked gas wreak havoc on our climate, put our health and safety at risk, and target harm on low-income communities of color. Fighting fossil fuel infrastructure is one of the best things we can do for public health. We know that industry is perpetuating racial and environmental injustices that are then magnified further in times of crisis. Join us to hear how health is inseparable from climate justice and how these new rules move us closer to protecting communities!

Centering Frontline Communities - March 23rd

Time and again fossil fuel projects that have been proposed in Washington have failed to adequately consult with or earn consent from the Tribes and Nations whose lands and rights are being impacted. Black and Brown communities are targeted by the fossil fuel industry and put health and safety on the line for profit. Come hear these stories, how these new rules help hold industry accountable to the frontlines, and what you can do!

During Session you can learn and take action on all sorts of environmental bills by going to this website and/or by signing up to get the weekly HOT list in the Senate and the House delivered fresh in your inbox every Monday. Bills to Watch - WEC (wecprotects.org)

Questions or comments? Please email me at lackerman@landscouncil.org.
