Spokane's Sustainability Action Subcommittee

Spokane's Sustainability Action Subcommittee (SAS) has drafted a plan to ensure our city and our citizens are better prepared to face future challenges, including impacts resulting from a changing climate. Visit the SAS website to learn more about the Sustainability Action Plan and how it was developed. By providing your feedback, you will help to refine the goals and strategies within the plan as well as provide direction on how the City should prioritize action. 

Over the next 6 months, the SAS will be hosting sustainability workshops and gathering feedback from the Spokane community on how we can make this plan better, and we need your help. You can help us by doing one or more of the following:

  • Read the plan and fill out our survey, both can be found on our SAS Website. If you want to submit written feedback on behalf of your organization, please email me (Kara) directly at kodegard@spokanecity.org .

  • Attend a Climate Workshop (schedule coming soon) or watch our video to learn more about the SAP and how it was developed.

  • Host your own climate workshop using the SAS Meeting in a Box materials – A Meeting in a Box is toolkit for a group gathering to generate conversation and solicit feedback on the SAP. Meetings can be hosted by anyone in Spokane, including neighborhood associations, community groups, or friends. Input received from these meetings will be used to refine the goals, and to help develop policies to support the goals and strategies identified in the Plan. Email Kara at kodegard@spokanecity.org to request materials.

  • Invite the SAS to present at your organization’s virtual meeting or event. Email Kara at kodegard@spokanecity.org to schedule a presentation.

About the draft Sustainability Action Plan (SAP): 
A Sustainability Action Plan is a strategic document that identifies how a community plans to achieve goals that create financial, societal, and environmental sustainability while reducing GHG emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change. The SAS has drafted a set of recommended updates to the 2009 Spokane Sustainability Action Plan for the City to adopt. These updates include goals, actions, and strategies to address both the broader issues surrounding sustainability and issues surrounding climate change. The draft SAP can be found here.  

About the Sustainability Action Subcommittee (SAS)
City Council created the Sustainability Action Subcommittee in 2019 to help the City create a framework for accomplishing our climate and sustainability goals. The SAS is comprised of volunteer citizens with a variety of backgrounds and expertise spanning across sectors including the built environment, planning, transportation, health, education, ecology, resource management, and sustainable business. Over the course of the past two years, the SAS researched and drafted the recommendations in the proposed Sustainability Action Plan for City Council to consider adopting into policy later this year.