TLC Summer Interns

By Kat Hall

Bryn Redal

Bryn Redal

It’s finally summer! Bring on the season of long sunny days, time spent on the lake, and…TLC interns! Truthfully, a few short months ago, in light of the COVID-19 situation, I wasn’t sure we would have the ability to hire interns; and had little insight into how these internships would ultimately be carried out. Fortunately, we’re finding our way and things are looking more promising than expected. We are thrilled to welcome ten amazing individuals to our team!

Jane Wybenga

Jane Wybenga

Toxics Outreach Specialists, Bryn Redal and Jane Wybenga, will share information on the health risks of Spokane River toxics to the greater Spokane community (focusing on homeless, low-income, and ethnic individuals). This is a project we’ve been facilitating for nearly 20 years. While many activities and events have been cancelled or downsized this summer, we plan to continue our on-the-river outreach (while wearing masks and social distancing, of course) and hope to add a virtual educational component that can be used in social service agencies and community organizations. 

James Probus

James Probus

James Probus, a dedicated TLC “volunteer-turned-intern,” will coordinate our neighborhood outreach campaign on PCBs in stormwater in the Logan and West Central neighborhoods. He’ll also offer free Ponderosa pine seedlings to interested residents and assist Chelsea and Maggie on our urban canopy project to plant street trees in these neighborhoods.

In the wake of recent events, TLC recently redefined and expanded our commitment as a conservation organization to racial justice and the Black Lives Matter movement. As part of their outreach, Bryn, Jane, and James will help us immediately in our efforts to identify the most pressing environmental justice issues in the communities in which we’re working.

TLC’s Field Restoration Tech Crew

TLC’s Field Restoration Tech Crew

Summer would not be complete without TLC’s Field Restoration Tech Crew! I am so pleased to introduce this year’s hard-working and fun-loving bunch: Devon Barbour (a long-time TLC volunteer and intern), Alexis Ashe, Graden Quist, Hannah Tippy, Emily Donnel, and Rob Maiorino. These fine folks will be spending countless hours hauling 5-gallon buckets of water in 90° temperatures through rough terrain full of 6’ tall invasive reed canary grass; while skillfully dodging prickly Canada thistle, obnoxious yellow jackets, and the occasional snake...all in an effort to keep our newly-planted tree seedlings alive. Sound fun? The crew also gets to weed-whack and continue our never-ending attempts to keep hungry deer and rodents away from our trees by applying natural herbivory treatments consisting of a dried blood/hot pepper powder and a spray containing putrefied eggs. Good times! 

Maia Inniss

Maia Inniss

And lastly, wonderful Maia Inniss remains part of the TLC team this summer. A former Project SUSTAIN volunteer, Toxics Outreach Specialist, and Field Restoration Tech Crew intern, Maia will be leading youth outdoor environmental education field experiences as part of The Zone Project, which helps to empower Northeast Spokane children, youth, and families. She’ll also partner with James on the neighborhood outreach campaign, and continue her work as co-chair of TLC’s Emerging Leaders Board.

We are so grateful to have these incredible interns on board!