Welcome Jasmine!

Team TLC has grown! With our SpoCanopy program taking off, we decided to expand our development staff and add a Membership and Events Coordinator to the team. Jasmine was a member of our summer watering crew and she is such a wonderful addition to our staff. Here’s a little more about her:

Jasmine was born and raised in Spokane, WA before eventually moving to the Salish Sea region to attend college at Western Washington University, graduating with a degree in psychology and a conviction to begin a career in non-profit work. After time spent traveling and working for social service agencies, she found her way to environmental education and conservation work and merged her love for the outdoors with her desire to work for community organizations. Now, after over a decade, she has returned to the Inland Northwest to continue her explorations and be near her beloved family. She is currently pursuing a master's degree in natural resources from the University of Idaho and is thrilled to be involved with The Lands Council and their important, meaningful work.

When she isn't in her garden or dreaming up her next backpacking trip, you can find Jasmine exploring local trails with her husband Derek and their dogs, brushing up on her plant ID skills, or in search of a good swimming hole.