Native Trees and Plants You Will See Everywhere In Spokane
Fall Adventures and Restoration
Dartford Creek Restoration Update
Ponderosa Pine
By Mike Petersen
The Lands Council, along with our partner Spokane Ponderosa, is dedicated to the preservation and revitalization of the native Ponderosa pine urban forest found throughout Spokane County. The cities of Spokane County are enriched by the native Ponderosa forests that distinguish us from Midwestern and Eastern cities. Our goal is to help retain as many Ponderosa pine as possible and plant new ones in many areas such as the North Spokane Corridor - and your yard!
Public and Urban Forest Work Update
By Mike Petersen
The Northeast Washington Forest Coalition (which The Lands Council helped found) filed it’s first “objection” of a timber sale in mid-July. Two key issues caused NEWFC to challenge this project in Ferry County:
Proposed fuel breaks in inventoried roadless areas, and
A lack of specificity of what the silvicultural prescriptions would entail.
National Forests Week
TLC's Fungi Project Report
By Mike Petersen
The work to reduce the amount of PCB’s (polychlorinated biphenyls) that enter the Spokane River takes many forms. Our innovative Fungi Project has made good progress this year. We are partnering with North Central High School and bioremediation expert, Les Stephens, to use fungi and soil bacteria to break down PCB’s and hydrocarbons found in stormwater sludge (known as vactor waste).
TLC Biochar Program
TLC Summer Interns
By Kat Hall
It’s finally summer! Bring on the season of long sunny days, time spent on the lake, and…TLC interns! Truthfully, a few short months ago, in light of the COVID-19 situation, I wasn’t sure we would have the ability to hire interns; and had little insight into how these internships would ultimately be carried out. Fortunately, we’re finding our way and things are looking more promising than expected. We are thrilled to welcome ten amazing individuals to our team!